
Cuz record-scratch it back to 2020, and I was there too.

If you're feeling stuck ... I feel you. 


Setting 5am alarms, drinking coffee like water, dimming studio lights because the bags under my eyes were definitely not Gucci. So I made some MASSIVE mindset changes, overhauled my business strategy, and now?

I’m handing over the exact system on how I transformed my brand, elevated my online presence and built a community of clients who I truly adore, because yes, you can do it too.

word for it

just take my

Well don’t

word for it

just take my

Well don’t

Holly | The Yoga Boss

"Just had a little cry because oh my gosh it's happening! I've had another two clients in for coaching with me! This coaching has genuinely helped me and is changing my life - the business side and the personal side and just the confidence in setting myself up for this next chapter. Thank you!!!"

"I've gotten two clients in the first two weeks of starting the course"

Kirsty | The Yoga Boss

"I've gone from having no idea where to start online to launching a website, building an email list, and reviving my social media! I can't recommend this course highly enough for any wellness pros looking to level up. PURE GOLD."

"I've gone from no idea where to start online to launching"

Sharia | The Yoga Boss

"As a brand new teacher - all this info is gold. I now have a website, my Instagram is way more consistent, my followers are increasing and I'm instantly taken seriously with studios I really want to work with. It's amazing - thank youuuu!!!"

"I'm instantly taken seriously with studios and partnerships"

Kim | The Yoga Boss

"Just started and I'm BLOWN AWAY by the whole thing about niches - I've never known how to find mine, but these tasks make it so much clearer! I'm finally figuring it out, and it was right in front of me all along. Thanks babe!"

 "I'm finally figuring it out, and it was right in front of me all along. "

Skip the heartache of an underperforming website and use this A-Z guide to get it right the first time around.

worth £200

Stop the scroll and make your posts impossible to ignore, with aesthetic design and content specific to your industry.

worth £100

Get the copy and paste scripts that result in collaborations with the brands you always dreamed of working with.

WORTH £200

Swipe Danielle's tried and proven pricing guide and never doubt your worth again.

WORTH £200

Level up your brand with a visual identity that showcases all you are (without the 4 fig price tag $$$.)

WORTH £600

Learn the ropes of the most important piece of marketing and grow a profitable list - no ads,  no bots and no spam.

WORTH £400

Steal the step-by-step guides that will help you avoid the pitfalls and explode your growth online.

WORTH £500

Get real-time answers from Danielle on all the questions you never knew who to ask. 

WORTH £2500

Learn the skills you actually need to thrive in the wellness industry: like self-shooting, branding, and community building.

worth £1250

Stop guessing and start growing with proven frameworks and tools that save you decades of trial and error.

WORTH £2500

Here's How It Works


20+ Blueprint Workshops

5 Expert Workshops

 Weekly Live Sessions*

4 Customisable Workbooks

Newsletter Framework

Customisable Brand Guide

Industry Pricing Guide

Done for You Brand Scripts

Editable Instagram Templates

Optimised Website Builder

Wait, there's more!

Sit down with Danielle and co-create your personal plan for career success.

WORTH £450

Say goodbye to the loneliness of yoga teaching and get support from others who are making waves in wellness. 

WORTH £777

Private Community*

1-1 Growth Strategy Session with Danielle

Total: worth £9774.00

Take the guesswork out and set up a world-class profile with content that actually starts moving the needle.


Access to The Yoga Influencer

Access it all from £1777

Hear it straight from the horses mouth...



  • Discover your true WHY - your North Star.
  • Zero in on the things that give you a competitive edge.
  • Learn how to create demand in the marketplace.
  • Learn how Millennials use market analysis.
  • Understand trends that are on the rise in the wellness industry.
  • Create a business plan in line with your personal idea of success

How to Stand Out in Sea of Noise


Module Module Module Module  

Find Your Edge


  • Tap into the hidden spaces where your dream clients are waiting.
  • Find out the truth about niches in the wellness industry.
  • Discover the feminine wound that is sabotaging your business.
  • Hone in on which online platform you should focus on.
  • Harness spontaneity and strategy in business.
  • Kickstart your love affair with email.
  • Learn to stop hating content creation

Build a Community That Lasts


Module Module Module Module  

Find Your Tribe


  • Find out why the world gives serious f***s about personal brands.
  • Find your brand essence (it's not logical).
  • Learn about color psychology in branding.
  • Explore fonts, logos, graphics and more.
  • Discover why yoga photos are underwhelming.
  • Tap into your secret weapons for creating a consistent vibe.
  • Get the only guide you need to DIY a yoga website

Get Your Essence Online


Module Module Module Module  

Find Your Vibe


  • Shift the "ick" factor around selling.
  • Help clients self-qualify for your services.
  • Uncover the magic 8 income streams of a wellness coach.
  • Break down sales flows (it's not as complicated as you think!).
  • Find the pricing formula for any service.
  • Raise your value with integrity.
  • Get the complete guide to landing brand collaborations.

Create Channels for Abundance


Module Module Module Module  

Find Your Flow



1 x £1777 

best value


2 x £888

most flexibility

The Investment


Got Q's?
I've got A's


I’ll be straight with you, it’s called the Yoga Boss because calling it the Yoga-Fitness-Pilates-Therapy-Meditation-Career-Course was too much of a mouthful.

This course will teach you how to create a personal brand, how to build an audience, and how to tailor the online and offline worlds into a career path that’s right for you. If you’re in the wellness space, or you want to be - you’re in the right place. If you’re in finance or real estate - probably not so much.

The honest truth? You won't finish it in a weekend or two. I've condensed the material as much as I can (seriously, you should see the virtual chopping room floor). But, like all good things in life, it's going to require consistent time and focus to see results.

If you've gone for the group or Accelerator package, the sessions and calls will be spread over an 8 week period. And if you're doing the self-starter option, you can take it at your own pace.

Also, even when you complete the course, I know that you'll be going back to the resources time and again. So I've kept your access open for an entire year so that you can dip back in whenever you want.

This course is for you if you want to grow your income and your community. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve got years under your belt - this course will serve you. Having a small, well-curated audience will actually serve you better than having a large one that's unengaged, so don't worry if you're starting from zero!

Together, we'll figure out not just what your niche is, but also what platforms you should be focusing on so you can meet your dream clients exactly where they're at.

The online space is radically changing (hello, post-pandemic world). The Yoga Boss focuses on the essential pillars we need to succeed as a wellness creator - someone who creates solutions to specific people’s problems in a sustainable way. This is so different to what is taught in normal business courses because it’s practical, not theoretical, and it’s focused on YOU as a successful boss babe... not a hypothetical dude in a suit.

Saying that, the course will only work if you work it. The checklists, prompts, roadmaps and strategy plans are proven blueprints for success, but you have to put them into action to see results.

One thing you won't get in this course is nonsense fluff or non-committal answers. So I’m going to be honest - if you want to be successful in the wellness industry, you’re going to need to make friends with the online space. In-person classes are here to stay. Human contact is irreplaceable. But ALSO - there are people that need a piece of you, and they’ll only be able to reach you through an online presence. The Yoga Boss is here to help you create yours.

I used to think I had to choose between a good life and a meaningful one.

Now, I surf waves, chase sunsets in Bali, represent yoga on SkyTV and help yoga teachers worldwide to build careers they adore.

Hey bb! I’m Danielle.

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