
Yoga Coaching Tips

Even the most perfect dreams have parts that suck. Is a rose really a rose, if it doesn’t have a thorn? I’m going with no. I’ve been pricked by plenty of roses in my lifetime. And a fair few thorns, without even a rose to make it better. But in terms of dream lives and […]

On Passion and Paradise

Yoga Coaching Tips


Because sometimes you just need someone else to say it first. There is space enough for you I used to think that I couldn’t teach yoga because I lived in London There were already so many amazing instructors to learn from – and I was awe-struck. They all seemed to have so much training, so […]

3 More Things About Being a Yoga Teacher

Yoga Coaching Tips


I did some stuff. And I’m glad I did. But I’d also rather not do it again.  I mean. I wish it was just three. But like any coach worth their salt – I could write a book about all the “oh crap” moments I had as a baby yoga teacher. If there was a […]

3 Things I Wish I Knew About Being A Yoga Teacher

Yoga Coaching Tips



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